En appliquant des patches oracle il se peut que vous rencontriez l'avertissement suivant (ou un message similaire):
OPatch found the word "warning" in the stderr of the make command.
Please look at this stderr. You can re-run this make command.
Stderr output:
ins_precomp.mk:19: warning: overriding commands for target `pcscfg.cfg'
/ora01/logi/oracle/product/bd11203p/precomp/lib/env_precomp.mk:2160: warning: ignoring old commands for target `pcscfg.cfg'
/ora01/logi/oracle/product/bd11203p/precomp/lib/ins_precomp.mk:19: warning: overriding commands for target `pcscfg.cfg'
/ora01/logi/oracle/product/bd11203p/precomp/lib/env_precomp.mk:2160: warning: ignoring old commands for target `pcscfg.cfg'
Composite patch 14727310 successfully applied.
OPatch Session completed with warnings.
Log file location: /ora01/logi/oracle/product/bd11203p/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2013-02-15_15-26-36PM_1.log
OPatch completed with warnings.
Voir le document de My Oracle Support:
Opatch warning: overriding commands for target xxxx [ID 1448337.1]
Selon ce document, il s'agit tout simplement d'un avertissement qui peut être ignoré.
Hope it helps...
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